Monday 28 November 2011

Exaggeration (planning)

I have finished all the planning for the exaggeration of the face, however all that needs to be done now is the reference to real images (myself) and to draw up the animation. In my animation I will make my character spin its eyes, then I will make it blink and finally I will make the character looked shocked.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ball Animation Completed!!!

(Video distorts becuase of blogger)

Overall I think that my animation was a decent standard, not because that it was my first animation but because my planning was applied to the animation and this ball worked as I wanted it to When looking a my planning I mention some principles that I've applied to my animation e.g. stretch and squash were applied to the when the ball reached a certain speed or when it the ball hit of the ground. If I had to change the animation I would be more carefuuly of when drawing every frame becuase the size of the ball did change so it was fairly noticable also the velocity was abit fast on some areas. Other principles that were used was timing and spacing however I don't think that I used this very well. Another problem that I saw is that towards the end of the animation when the ball was rolling I felt the ball went too fast.

This task wasn't really hard or even time consuming, but I did enjoy how the finished animation looked, knowing that I was the one who had drawn every single frame. The only alterations I will use on my animation is to focus more when drawing up the animation so I can get the correct spacing so the animation looks more smooth. I learned quite abit on this task range from how to use dragon e.g setting up the camera on the stand, and connecting it to the computor and then operating dragon, from knowing how to take more than one picture at one time and also editing the cinematography so I can view the animation in a condition where by animation would of looked like a disco, but in the end I learned how to edit it so it was clearly visable. The last thing I learned was that when doing my animation I should put a grid behind the animation paper so I work with the lines that are used instead of being on the edge of the paper.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Ball Animation

I have finally drawn up my ball animation and now on monday I will capture very image in dragon so this should be completed mid day monday

Monday 14 November 2011

Four Different Ball Reference

Bowling Ball Reference 

Here is a video reference of a bowling ball bouncing, this shows that the bowling ball when tossed at different heights it makes a relatively small bounce and after it finishes bouncing it rolls down any unsteady ground e.g. if dropped on on a slant it will roll down until it hits an obstacle in its path. As seen in the reference the shape of the ball doesn't deform because of the hard material a bowling ball has.

Rubber Ball Reference

Here is a video reference of a rubber ball bouncing, this shows that when the ball bounces at any height the rubber ball squashes and stretches ever so slightly. The rubber ball bounces really high showing that material can be squashed and stretched ever so slighty becuase it is a solid material. The rubber ball will also roll in a direction of unsteady ground but obstacles such as rocks and litter will easily stop the ball in it its path.

Tennis Ball Reference

Here is a video reference of a tennis ball bouncing, in this video the tennis ball is filled with nothing (air) and that is why the shape of the tennis ball is easily stretched and squahsed. Also the tennis is ball is also has a layer of rubber which is why it bounces so well. The outside of the material is made of felt and is used for durability of the ball, which is not really needed in my animation.

Rubber Ball (liquid filled)

Here is another reference of another rubber ball but this one is filled with a liquid rather than a solid. As the video shows there is more of a squash and stretch being shown and this is mostly beacuse of the material and becuase of the liquid inside. If there was less liquid inside the ball the stretch and squash will look more exaggerated but the ball looks quite fall of liquid and because of the outside material the liquid can't escape. Also the ball does bounce after hitting the floor but not as high as a solid rubber ball would.