Thursday, 8 December 2011

11 second animation (ideas)

For the 11 second animation there is a big variety to choose from and so far I have chosen 3:

1.      This one’s sounds like there is a mother shouting at a little girl “Don’t you ever!!” and is very angry at the little girl as you can hear in the voice. For this animation my idea will be having a mom shout at a young teenager he is sitting in the corner of the room, the mother will either have its head chopped off e.g. cow and chicken, tom and jerry etc.

2.      This audio was talking about TV, “TV is power, the power to love and testify”, for this animation I will either animate what’s on the TV or the actual TV itself.

3.       This audio clip was just plain and had no speaking in it, but from the sound of it, it sounds like the person/s are jolly/ exciting etc. For this animation I was thinking to have someone skipping down a street.

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