Tuesday 6 December 2011

Exaggeration Completed!!!

(Video distorts becuase of blogger)

Overall I thought that my animation which was based on exaggeration was really good and flowed really well evem when the animation was looped. If I had to make any changes on my animation the only thing I will do is add more expressions so it will look better and more longer. This task I thought would of been hard becuase I'm so used to drawing from a perspective rather than a straight on face, however in the end I took on the task hands on and found it was rather simple.

When taking on this task I had found a technique from just being lazy, and this is was when I drawn my animation up to a point of the final expression I wanted the face to go back to normal, so rather than drawing the frames again I used the drawn faces I had already done leading up to the final expression and just reversed it. This technique had its advantages because it saved me quite a bit of time, which is essentional when working in the industry when working towards deadlines and also made my animation smoother becuase there was no out place facial features for when stretching the face in the final expressions.

The animation prinicples which I used was were exaggeration, timing, spacing and stretch and squash. When exaggerating my character I made him have big oval eyes and a big nose that dropped below the jaw of the character. When stretching my character I made it animate so that its face stretched so you were able to see the mouth then squashed it back to its normal face. The timing and spacing was used really well in this animation because of the spacing of esch frame it made the whole animation smooth and the timing was the right speed so everything complimented each other.

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